2.4 Horizontal and Vertical lines

Whenever I’m holiday I like to take some exercises to carry out so that I’m not photographing the same places or subjects.  I needed to produce four examples each of implied Horizontal and vertical lines which can be seen by the eye and the camera.

Firstly I’ll tackle the photographs I produced showing horizontal lines.

Starting with the most obvious horizontal visualisation, the steps to the beach. When taken face on at a low-level they are perfect horizontal lines and a very simplistic example:

Probably the most obvious horizontal line when visiting the beach is the horizon line that separates the sea from the sky:

When I viewed these benches face on the horizontal lines were clear to see but by changing my viewpoint the horizontal lines are still prevalent on the back rest but the lines on the seat have become almost vertical:

Again with this example when viewed face on the ramp and imitating rails were horizontal but from a different viewpoint the angles have been changed:

The examples I found of vertical lines were much more difficult to manipulate through the viewfinder.

These railings are everywhere in Tenby.  In fact the more I learn from the Art of Photography the more I realise how vertical Tenby is.  It’s everywhere.  The buildings are mainly three\four story and stand very tall each a different colour to the next.  I haven’t shown a photograph here as I wanted to try to show some vertical examples that are less obvious than buildings.

These water slides were a great example of vertical lines although the photo isn’t that great itself.  It’s purpose was to show the vertical slides and surrounding vertical structures.

This plant caught my eye and probably only because I was on a quest of verticalness!

It occurred to me that people can be good examples of vertical lines.  As my subject is quite short I used a very low view point to elongate the vertical figure.

I really enjoyed this exercise and felt that it allowed me to spend the day searching and seeing in horizontal and vertical lines.  It didn’t stop there though, I’m now looking for lines through the viewfinder no matter what my subject.

2 thoughts on “2.4 Horizontal and Vertical lines

  1. Great images – interesting isnt it how so many times strong verticals include a horizontal line – for example the plants image,slides and railings – or is that just me??

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