Busy Traffic

Trying to find a scenario where there is busy foot traffic in a place that allows photography isn’t as easy as first thought.  I went out into town but I looked odd with my camera and felt uneasy as people were staring and being confrontational.  I didn’t have time to think about what I was shooting and ended up with a very unsatisfying set of images.

I then decided to try a local event where it wouldn’t seem odd to be pointing a camera at a group of people and despite the fact it was a children’s event I was able to give thought and consideration to what I wanted to achieve.

I found a composition I was happy with which showed a lot of children competing in a sports day which also had the Ironbridge pots in the background to give a sense of where we were.

Busy Traffic

Although you can see parents scattered about and children lined up, this particular image doesn’t clearly show the activity taking place.  When I found this pleasing composition it was the last race and I was adjacent to the start but the children have raced to the finish line away from me.  If I’d known it was the last race I would have been more prepared!

What I like about this image is the formation of parents changing, one mum is getting up others are heading for their children, and you can see a line of parents has formed.

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