Tutor Feedback Assignment 3

Overall Comments

Samantha, you have photographed a wide variety of buildings and created some good quality images, but it is important that each image in a series gives the viewer new information to help them to build a picture of the space. When you rework this assignment prior to formal assessment avoid including similar photographs or photographs that show the same view / objects. The images in the church are very well composed and you have clearly thought about how the available light will affect the atmosphere of the images. The next challenge is to try to recreate the style of the church images in artificially lit spaces that contain irregular features!

Feedback on assignment

Demonstration of technical and Visual Skills, Quality of Outcome, Demonstration of Creativity

You have chosen a variety of buildings to document, each with a very different style of space and use. Although I am sure you learned a lot from dealing with the challenges each building presented, a more coherent series and a more in depth study of the buildings might have resulted if they shared some characteristics. For example, if you had decided to document entertainment and leisure spaces, such as the cinema and childhood museum, along with other social activities spaces you could have used what you learned from each shoot to help you develop a visual language for the next one. The cinema seems to be characterised by quite open spaces, but you have composed your images in a way that reduces the impact of space, at least one wide angle shot would have established the scale of the space allowing you to focus in on particular details such as interior design features, particular corridors etc. I realize from your planning and preparation notes that you were told not to photograph in the cinema, which is probably why the composition of these images seem a little rushed. For example, Photo1 contains a large area of empty floor but the interesting lighting feature hanging from the ceiling is cropped out of frame on the right hand side and the top of the wall is also cropped in image two. To achieve very balanced images it is important to carefully frame each shot so you include exactly what you want to and make sure vertical lines are straight etc. Photo 4 gives me a much clearer idea of the space and use of the cinema. The little boy looking at the sign gives context and the combination of sweet packages and film adverts create a very bright and engaging display.

Your images of the church are more successful as the composition is very tightly controlled – well done! But, three of the images are quite similar – photo 3 is a close up of the altar in photo 1, and photo 4 is the view from the opposite direction. I think you could explore the space more in this series, showing different architectural or furnishing details – or perhaps looking from an unusual viewpoint – what would photo 4 look like if the camera was placed close to the ground? What would the chandelier lights look like if shot from directly below? Try to be more experimental when you shoot. It is good practice to make a list of the shots you know you want (or sketch out a shooting script if you prefer), that way you can tick off the ‘must have’ shots and then you will be able to experiment freely without worrying that you haven’t got what you need. Surprises and unexpectedly creative results will occur!

The deli images also contain some interesting shots – the one from the customer’s perspective is very effective but on the whole the images do repeat the same information about the space. Again close up shots and unusual perspectives might help you to create a more informative view of the space. You could also shoot from the doorway or through the window to add more variety to your series. Another example of a more experimental approach could have been to shoot the museum of childhood from the perspective of a child, as I imagine the displays and interactive sections are designed for small people!

On the whole you have taken some good individual images but you need to think more carefully about how you edit the images into a coherent series. Because you have to describe each space in only four images it is really important that each images adds information for the viewer, helping to build their understanding of the location. A greater variety could be achieved if you allow for a little more experimentation in each shoot.


Demonstration of technical and Visual Skills, Demonstration of Creativity

Your coursework shows that you are engaging well with the exercises in each section of the module. Your images relating to symmetry and point of view are good quality – make sure you remember to apply these skills when shooting for your assignments! Your images in the church most effectively applied your knowledge of use of natural light, symmetry and composition, but the next challenge is to apply these ideas to spaces like the cinema or museum of childhood, where the light is artificial and the spaces set out in a less symmetrical way. Think about how will you create atmospheric, balanced compositions in these spaces?


Context, reflective thinking, critical thinking, analysis

You are beginning to carry out research into exhibitions and professional photographers, but I would like to see more! The more you look at other people’s work the quicker you will learn your aesthetic likes and dislikes, which will in turn help you to develop your own visual style.  The lensculture blog contains lots of cutting edge contemporary photographers from a variety of disciplines and genres. Archives such as the V&A museum (and the Art Library which they house) and the Tate gallery websites are great resources. You could also look at the Taylor Wessing Portrait prize website – they have an archive of past winners – the range and originality of the work is breathtaking.

In terms of photography theory, I recommend Key Concepts of Photography by David Bate. Photography by Stephen Bull is also very good as it outlines some of the key texts by other writers and theorists on the subject of photography.

Learning Log

Context, reflective thinking, critical thinking, analysis

Your learning log is well organized although I would like to see more research and critical thinking. It is important to analyse why successful images are successful and why you don’t like those you deemed to be less successful. This will help you to understand how to successfully compose images, how images communicate to an audience and what your preferred visual style is.

When you are discussing your own work it is good practice to read through the assessment criteria and try to assess your images – think about your strengths and areas for improvement – this will also help you to develop.

Suggested reading/viewing


I have recommended some books and websites for viewing contemporary photography in the research section. If you have any preferences of style or genre please let me know and I will send you some more tailored suggestions.

Pointers for the next assignment / assessment

  • Submit your next assignment as hardcopy – photographic prints and a printed word document of the rationale / evaluation. Email to let me know the prints are in the post and a link to part 4 of the learning log.
  • Do some more research on contemporary photography and make sure you analyse the images.
  • Experiment more with viewpoint and composition.
  • Be careful when framing images – make sure you don’t crop corners.