5.3 Symbols

We can photograph visible things but what happens when we want to photograph a word?  None visual words such as, insurance, need a visual representation and to resolve this issue we use ‘symbols’.  In the example of insurance we may use a symbol that clearly represents security such as a padlock or a safety net.

My task here is to think of symbols that can be used in place of words:

GROWTH – Child in front of a height chart, piles of coins gaining in height, seed\seedling\plant\tree.

EXCESS – A person dining with an extremely bulging tummy, bulging suitcase, plate overflowing with food.

CRIME – weapons, fingerprints, handcuffs, jail bars, murder victim chalk outline.

SILENCE – Graveyard, person reading, finger on lips, hands on ears, Library.

POVERTY – Slums, starving children, sleeping on street, person wearing dirty and torn clothing.

Some of these symbols, to represent words in pictures, may seem obvious and others not but what they all have in common is that they can be photographed as actual things.   Therefore giving each word a visual representation by using the suggested symbols.