Balancing figure and space

I chose these photographs from two previous exercises to demonstrate how to control the balance of attention between figure and space.

In this photograph 1 the eye is drawn to the figure but in Photograph two the eye is focussed more on the landscape.  Both figures are in similar positions and both facing away from the camera although the balance of attention is different.

Photograph 1:
A single figure small

Photograph 2:
making figuers anonymous

What makes the figure in photograph one hold more attention it’s his contrast in colours making git stand out more than the space around it.  However, the figure in photograph 2, struggles to take attention away from the landscape with its more muted tones.

TAoP Blog: In the beginning……..

Welcome to my blog (  I’m currently studying The Art of Photography (TAoP for short) with the Open College of the Arts (OCA for short) and this is my learning blog. 

Last year I successfully completed an Open University course in Digital photography which was the most enjoyable course I have ever done.  That may not seem like a big deal to most but I spent the previous 15 years continually studying IT so Photography is a breath of fresh air.

My love for photography began during a school cruise around the mediterainean at the age of 12.  I couldn’t stop looking at the photos I’d taken and one in particular stood out for me more than any other.  (When I dig it out I’ll scan and post it).  I didn’t know at the time why this one photograph was a defining moment in the start of my passion for photography but I’m beginning to understand a bit more now and hopefully by the end of this course I’ll know exactly why.

Please subscribe to my blog as all feedback is valuable and welcomed.

Thank you for reading 🙂